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arbor day 〔美國〕植樹節。


However , the only thing that remained to be done was to beautify the halls natural environment . so , during korean arbor day , the initiates lovingly planted trees and flowers in the area 大殿完工后,剩下的工作就是周圍環境的美化,因此,同修們在植樹節當天愛心栽植了許多花木。

Arbor day programs urged children to plant a tree as a patriotic act , as a good investment for the future , and as a way to beautify the community 在植樹節這一天,學童通常都被鼓勵要種植一棵樹木,也當成他們愛國的表現,同時也是美化社區的方法之一。

On april 4 and 5 , 2004 , while enjoying beautiful spring weather , korean initiates held a blissful two - day retreat and an arbor day event at the youngdong center 2004年4月4至5日,韓國同修于永同道場舉辦了禪二與植樹節種樹活動。

Arbor day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation , celebrates trees and promotes planting “植樹節”是一些國家為防止森林過度開伐,激發人們愛林、造林的感情而設立的法定節日。

Children all over the world celebrate arbor day in a number of ways . here are some exciting suggestions 世界各地的兒童用各種方式慶祝植樹節,來看看大家都做些什么?

The arbor day foundation has information on planting and provides trees you can plant with membership 植樹節組織有更多種樹的信息,只要添加會員就提供樹苗。

Yet it was the lack of trees there that led to the founding of arbor day in the 1800s 正是因為放眼望不到一棵樹,才促成了十八世紀植樹節的“破土”而出。

You plant a tree every time you get chance even though it , s not a arbor day 一有機會你就要播種也不管是不是植樹節啊

Arbor day is on march 12 植樹節是在三月十二日。